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A large number of ESL experts graciously shared their perspectives in the development of this project.

ATESL Adult ESL Curriculum Framework Project
Manager: Justine Light

ATESL Adult ESL Curriculum Framework written by Wendy Chambers, Sara Gnida, Wendy Ilott, Cindy Messaros, and Kathy Dawson

We were fortunate to benefit from the leadership and vision of the following individuals:
Diane Hardy, ATESL President
Carolyn Dieleman & Christine Land, Alberta Employment & Immigration
We are very grateful to Virginia Sauvé for her background research on ESL curriculum frameworks, which greatly
contributed to our project.

Advisory Committee members
Audrey Olson
Clare Myers
David Graham
Deidre Lake
Dorte Weber
Jane Brenner
Jann Beeston
Jenine Hawrelyk
Judy Silitto
Paul Holmes
Phillip Harttrup
Tom Jiry
Tracey Derwing

Other ESL expert contributors who generously shared their expertise
Anna Lisa Gutnick
Brenda MacDonald
Candace Sanderson
Chrystal Blume
Cynthia Lambertson Poon
Eva Szasz-Redmond
Gerald Halabura
Heather Glennie
Hetty Roessingh
Jenine Hawryluk
Joan Manhas
Julia Stanbridge
Kahkashan Maqsood
Karen Dodge
Katrina Derix-Langstraat
Kelli Kilarski
Leila Ranta
Linda Lowe
Mara Hawkins
Marian Rossiter
Marnee Karl
Michele Foley
Murray F. Smith
Pamela Heath
Patricia Love
Penny Hui
Phyllis Regier
Rosemary McMahon
Sheri Rhodes
Suzanne Oswald
Vince Kelly

Also thanks to…ATESL members who attended and contributed to our session at the ATESL Conference 2010,
as well as those who completed the e-survey in September 2010.

Graphic design: Katheryn Charchuk

This project was funded by Alberta Employment and Immigration.

Printing of this document was generously supported by Citizenship and Immigration Canada

and the Prairie Metropolis Centre.

Care has been taken to obtain copyright permission to reproduce this material. Any information that will enable ATESL

to obtain copyright clearance for any material not acknowledged would be gladly received.