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ATESL Edmonton Local Meeting AGM and Presentation

Sep 27, 2019


Welcome back ATESL members! We hope you had a restful and enjoyable break. Please join us to select a new Co-Chair, Secretary and Hospitality throughout our AGM. Then, we will learn from Wendy Ilott, who is a member of the ESL to Work Team of the ATESL Advocacy Committee. We will finish with a draw for a free ATESL Conference Registration!

Career Transition Programs in Edmonton

What comes after language training? Across the province, teachers want to know more about potential career paths for their learners. As a result, we compiled an information panel of programs from different organizations that support ESL learners’ transition into specific professions and the world of work. Come with your questions and learn about options for learners! Our panelists include representatives from the following organizations and programs:

EMCN’s workplace oriented programs

NorQuest College

Solomon College

This presentation is prepared by ATESL’s Advocacy Committee ESL to Work team. We collect research and resources to support teachers in helping our learners transition to work.

For your convenience, please sign in to the meeting in advance here:

Hope to see you there!

Diana Agudelo and Maryna Siek

Edmonton Local Co-Chairs

ATESL Chapter: Edmonton