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Calgary PD Upcoming

Feb 25, 2020

Hello, Calgary ATESL members!

This past Tuesday, we started off our programming for 2020 with a very informative session on An Open Source Digital Literacy Curriculum for Low Literacy Newcomers. We want to thank Olivia Chen and Christine Do for presenting and to TIES for hosting. We also want to thank all the members who were able to join us!

We are in the process of finalizing the details for the upcoming sessions. Below is a tentative schedule to give you an idea of the topics and also to save the dates! We will send more details of each session closer to the time.


Maria and Nancy

Calgary Local Co-chairs

Tentative Schedule for PD Sessions for 2020:

February 25                            Literacy in the Classroom, Literacy in the Community: Integrating Four Strands in the Winter Shopping Project

6:00 to 7:30 pm at Bow Valley College

March (Date TBA)                  Self-confidence in the classroom

April 2                                      Assessment CLB Writing: Profiles of Ability

May 9                                      Mini-conference at Mount Royal University

June 20                             Crisis De-escalation and Stress Reduction

September                              TBD

November                               Winter Social

ATESL Chapter: Calgary