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Civic Engagement for Immigrant Women

Civic Engagement for Immigrant Women gives information on how to become part of one's community and become involved in decision-making processes. It includes information on individual rights and responsibilities in Canada, the voting process, contacting local government officials, joining the school council at a child’s school, and how to voice one's opinion on matters that are of importance to the person. Learning about the importance of volunteering and being involved in civic activities such as voting will help the individual settle in Canada and become part of the country. CIWA has translated this handbook into four other languages: Arabic, Farsi, Spanish and Mandarin.

Resource Details

Alberta Initiatives Gallery: Yes
Areas of Focus: Teaching
Format: Documents
Produced by:Calgary Immigrant Women's Association
Funded by:The Calgary Foundation; Alberta Human Rights and Multiculturalism Education Fund; Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Keywords:Handbook, learner resource, Canadian content
Availability:See the PDF below to read the document.
Contact:Eva Szasz-Redmond
Added:Nov. 10, 2012, 6:57 p.m.
Updated:Dec. 12, 2012, 3:06 p.m.