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  4. ATESL Edmonton Local Third Annual Winter Social

ATESL Edmonton Local Third Annual Winter Social

Friday, December 14th, 2018

5:00-7:00 pm

State and Main on Jasper Avenue (101-10065 Jasper Avenue NW)

Come join your fellow ESL educators as we celebrate the end of the year with good company and conversation!

You are invited to network and socialize with your colleagues in an informal environment. Attendees will have a chance to catch up, socialize and make new connections to end off a great year together. The local will be ordering appetizers which will be served at 5:30 pm. Individual bills will be set up for those members who would like to order drinks and additional food.

Please complete the following form to RSVP: \

This will help us gauge numbers for the social.

We hope to see you there!

Diana Agudelo and Maryna Siek

Edmonton Local Co-Chairs


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ATESL Chapter: Edmonton